Wednesday 19 August 2015

Change Management

Changes are the only constant thing in our life. Every person has some form of commitment towards profession, family, friends, society etc. So one has to be responsive and adjustable to the changes that are happening in our day to day life. Being rigid may not help us fulfill our commitments.

One of the necessities to face changes is being “FLEXIBLE” which means responding to changes and working towards it. We all should acquire skills to face changes occurring in our lives as it is critical to our success path. We have to work a lot to be flexible and adaptable in our daily life.

Here are some tips to be flexible and adaptable:

  • ACCEPT WHAT COMES: One should be ready to accept both good/bad change and plan/act accordingly.
  • UPDATE YOURSELF: The world is changing rapidly and unless we bring ourselves to this change, we will be left behind. Hence, it is necessary to update ourselves.
  • POSITIVE ATTITUDE: No matter what happens, always have an optimistic thinking.
  • DON’T TRY TO CONTROL WHICH YOU CANNOT:  Sometimes you have to let go of what you cannot control.
  • BE PATIENT: Be patient and observant whenever and wherever required. This helps to bring out creative ideas and solutions. 
  • THINGS WILL MOVE ON:  You may face difficulties and stressful situations where you have to realize that the situation is not permanent and it will pass away.
  • BE BALANCED: We all know about work life balance - each individual should maintain an equilibrium between their work and personal life without any confusion or chaos.
  • DON’T HESITATE TO ASK FOR HELP: We are not experts in doing everything. Sometimes we may not be familiar with certain happenings where we should not hesitate to ask for help.
  • BE HEALTHY PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY: Eat well, have at least 8 hours of sleep a day which may help to be energetic throughout the day. Fitness is at most necessary to be active and responsive towards changes.
  • HAVE FUN: Always find some leisure time so that your mind and body will be relaxed. After all, we all work and do things to be happy.


                                                                                                        - Hamsaveni

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